Sunday, February 7, 2010

Updates on Practices

Last Friday was our first Boot Camp that extended from 6 to 7pm. There was a fair turn out and Coach David worked everyone out. From the simple yet exhausting to the infamous planks, he used everything in his arsenal to get everyone in shape for the April Lake Merced race. Also if you haven't already noticed on Facebook or by the fact that we are having more and more sunlight, regular practices are now extended back to the original 5:30pm end time. So be sure to let your parents or whoever picks you up from practice know that we are back to our regular hour and a half practices.
And on a final note, everyone on the Fishtix would like to reiterate the point to continue coming to practice no matter what the situation because we are trying to get everyone on the same page and prepared for the Lake Merced Race.

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