Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm So Excited! March 21st is our REDEBUT as a Strong Fishtix team!

Everyone at Fishtix is getting ready for the March 21st race against the San Leandro Pirates and other adult teams. From doing extra exercises to attending extra practices with the adults, everyone is trying their best to get into fighting shape. Please play your part as a member of Fishtix and take care of the business you need to take care of. We are also starting to plan simple bonding events for all of Fishtix to attend. We all know that practices are tough and tiring so the executive board at Fishtix decided to throw in treats for everyone once in a while and to help everyone relax and get to know each other a little better. If you're still interested about learning how to steer the boat and preparing for the steersperson's test then our very own Doug Jiro would be more than happy to help out. So contact your branch president for more details.

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