Sunday, November 15, 2009

Some Changes To Fishtix Practice

We are implementing some new rules and regulations for practices to help and promote a sense of dedication and hardwork in the Fishtix community. First off, we are going to mandate a dress code. It includes the banning of jeans at practice, this is because to play the part of an intense Dragonboat team, we must dress the part. Secondly, we will start having punishments for people coming late to practices. This is because people coming late has been a huge problem and it is preventing us from heading out unto the boats and water on time. Punishments will include an extra lap around the Marina, double the amount of push-ups and jumping jacks. Other punishments have been yet to be decided. Lastly, we are making the warm-up laps now mandatory this means, no matter what, you have to run. No running means no dragonboating. Laps are important to build up our stamina and work on our cardio.
Practices are getting even more intense now, as people saw with David this practice. As practices become rougher and as David works us harder, it is key to know that you must never give up. It is important for everyone to continue practicing and continue cultivating their skills as a dragonboater.

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