Sunday, October 4, 2009

Super Update on Practices and the TI Race.

The coaches and drummers would like to congratulate both Recreational and Competitive teams for their stellar performances at the Treasure Island race.

We had a 48 member turn out and everyone was hyped up and excited to get out on the water. Both the competitive team and recreational team shaved almost 40 seconds off their best practice time in their first race. In the semi-final heat, the competitive team won and beat out the rest of the competition with an impressive time of 2 minutes and 17 seconds. Both teams had huge improvements in their 500 meter race pieces. Although we did great, we still need polishing up. So the presidents of each branch and the coaches are having meetings to discuss potential changes to make us into a better team. We still showed huge potential at the race and that we could have beaten a lot of the other teams if we kept our timing and endurance.

On a final note, Coach David would like to know which of you on the RECREATIONAL team would like to join the Competitive Team. If you would, please contact your respective presidents. He would also like to know which of you who would like to/are already on the Competitive Team would be able to continue practicing on Fridays from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. We are also reverting back the the bi-weekly practice schedule so that David can fit it into his schedule. Keep it strong, Fishtix.

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