Sunday, May 30, 2010

More people skipping practice?! Oh NO!!

Not to keep pestering everyone, but...consistent attendance to practices is vital in maintaining a functioning and competitive dragon boat team. So to everyone who keeps flaking on practice and to everyone who has second thoughts about attending practices, attending them do help. By attending each and every practice, you are setting examples of dedicated and hardworking senior members to the junior and younger members. Also, coach David is doing some fine tuning to our stroke and if you miss any of the days when he is giving tips in stroke optimization and physics, you are letting the rest of the team down.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Additions to the Fishtix Family

We recently received a plethora of new recruits from Encinal High School. For everyone, please welcome them as our own and show them a warm Fishtix welcome. It is important for all members, experienced or new, to teach our new members the correct stroke and correct code of conduct. Everyone at Fishtix would also recommend every member to continue attending practices regularly because we are introducing new techniques to everyone and we don't want to waste everyone's time going over trite lessons.

In other news, for Fishtix members interested in pursuing executive positions at Alameda High School, please contact Simon Liu for more information on positions and the application process.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Closing out the year with a dose of ELECTIONS!

The Alameda High branch of Fishtix will be holding their own leadership elections for dragonboat. Positions will include: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you are an Alameda High member of Fishtix and would like to run for anyone of these positions, please contact Simon Liu. The election date is to be announced when all the candidates have been determined. Good luck to you all. The ASTI Fishtix branch is helping to organize a team barbecue. The date is to be announced and dependent on the availability of the members. The event will be held on a Saturday, so please notify your respective dragonboat president which Saturday is the best time for you.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Let's Keep It Short and Sweet

We're going to be having a "recess" from practices on Fridays, considering lately people haven't been coming. So, we will ONLY HAVE SUNDAY PRACTICES at 4 pm - 5.15 pm, as usual. We hope that after this break you guys will come more often.
We're also going to start coordinating some FUN events (BBQ/Pool party, bowling, movies) If you have other FUN ideas let your respective President know!